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Child Behaviour













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“ I love my child but I can’t wait till  he goes to college".  This is a common emotion felt by a lot of parents, although only a few may openly admit it. You are not alone. Experts say that a lot of parents feel the stress, anxiety and despair  at some point while raising young children.

Behavior  problems amongst children and adolescents can manifest themselves in different ways. If not addressed early, they can progressively  worsen.  Some of these  include:

  • Aggressiveness

  • Social anxiety

  • Whining & tantrums

  • Constant defiance

  • Withdrawn and moodiness

Some of these may be transitional due to a change in the kid’s surroundings at home or at school. In other cases this may be a warning  sign for deeper issues.  On the extreme end some children may have a feeling of frustration and despair and engage in damaging and reckless behaviors. This may be the child's cry for help, and must be taken very seriously.

 All of our appliances and electronic gadgets come with instruction manuals. However, when it comes to raising  children, our kids don’t come with manuals.  A lot of what we do or don't do is by trial or error. Unfortunately, once negative patterns are set up between adult & child, things spiral out of control and the entire family suffers


Our Qualified Experienced Team Can Help

At Creative Human Performance (CHP), we specialize in assessing and treating children of various ages with behavioral problems.  We work with the child, and if needed, with the parents to understand the situations that  lead to the child’s behavioral issues. We also train  parents to cope with these challenges.

  • Some specific areas include:

  • School Adjustment issues


  • Coping skills for children & parents

  • Substance abuse

  • Dealing with death & trauma

  • Child depression and/or anxiety

  • Self-harming behaviors

  • Social anxiety

  • Anger Management

Creating Lasting Changes

One of the biggest challenges while working with children is to get to the underlying issues. Children communicate differently than adults,  i.e. using verbal and non-verbal expressions. Our highly trained staff  uses the highly effective technique of Sand Therapy, where children uses  creativity & motor skills to express themselves. This has been very effective for ages 2 to young adults.

Once we identify the issues, we work with the child and family to meet their goals. Some of them may include:

  • Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids

  • Improve communication between parents and children

  • Coping strategies  for ADHD

  • Addressing  specific problems  like excessive anger or inability to concentrate

  • Understanding your young child or preparing for those dreaded adolescent years




























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Last modified: 06/22/06